Zombies in spaceland headcutter
Zombies in spaceland headcutter


Each Alien killed will grant an Auto-Nuke, Max Ammo, and 1000 XP.After both fuses are out, you can damage him for a third time, but this time it will kill the boss.So you will need to repeat damaging him till he's on the ground to knock out the second fuse. To defeat the boss, you need to knock both fuses out of his backpack.Be quick and only try to down the boss when it is on the ground. Melee the back of the Alien to break one of the fuses in his backpack.He can also spawn zombies while he's on the ground After damaging the boss enough, the alien will fall to the ground and produce a yellow shield like sphere around him.You damage the boss by using one of the Weapons of Rock.It will turn Red when it is close to death. The boss' health can be determined by paying attention to the collar on his neck.So solo would be the easiest with 1 Alien. The boss fight scales based on the number of players in the session.Once enough targets have been hit, the battery will spawn in the middle of the Disco floor in the arcade.On the coaster ride in between the coaster entrance and the Astrocade.Outside the Astrocade, close to the Blue Bolts perk machine.In one of the trash cans upstairs near the Black Hole arcade game.In one of the machines between the Disco floor and the Prize Counter.Upstairs by the Devil Teeth game outside the window.

zombies in spaceland headcutter

  • Above the power switch in the Astrocade.
  • Near the dragon mouth on Polar Peak above the entrance to the Astrocade.
  • Under the bridge that leads to the entrance of Polar Peak.
  • Near the Pack a Punch Portal above the ATM machine.
  • Once you have a pair of these, put them on and you are looking for targets (A total of 5 but only 1 spawns in at a time).
  • This battery will require you to have the Shutter Shades pickup.
  • Astrocade directly next to the Power Switch.
  • In Polar Peak in a corner in the Gift Shop.
  • In Kepler down the stairs from the Power Switch in Moonlight Cafe.
  • The Volk Assault Rifle wallbuy is also near by.
  • In Journey Into Space behind the Cosmic Tunes booth.
  • In the Astrocade directly next to the Portal on the bottom floor.
  • In Polar Peak near the Quickies perk, near the roller coaster ride.
  • In Journey Into Space in the hallway between Rover Rampage(Bumper Cars) and the Star Mission trap.
  • In spawn, to the right of Lost and Found in the small room.
  • * Note, Double Pack is not available on this map until the player has either completed the Main Quest Easter Egg or loads the game in Directors Cut. Once all portals have been entered, each light above the Cosmic Way portal will be blue and the portal can be entered, which takes you to Pack a Punch. Yellow indicating that the portal has not been entered, and Blue meaning the portal has been entered. After a portal has been entered at least once, the lights above the big portal frame right outside of spawn will update.

    zombies in spaceland headcutter

    There are 5 Power Switches and 4 Portals.


    We’ll update this page once we learn more.Power and Pack a Punch can be done together and will save you a lot of hassle in the long run if right after you flip one of the switches, go through the portal nearby. We suspect N31L is hiding something at this stage. Sounds great? Well, okay, it isn’t that great. Now that N31L is upgraded, you can spend 5000 points to summon David Hasselhoff at any time.


    Deal with the challenges, initiate the Knight Industries Protocol yet again, and you’ll finally upgrade N31L fully. These are going to be even tougher, but if you’re well-equipped, it should be no problem.

    zombies in spaceland headcutter

    Return the OS floppy to N31L to reach his final set of challenges.

    zombies in spaceland headcutter

    Location #1: On a toolbox near a workbench, next to the hallway that leads toward the Astrocade or the Kepler System.Open the path to the maintenance tunnels to start exploring - the OS floppy will randomly spawn at one of three locations. All the floppy disks containing N31L’s OS can be found in the underground area of the map. N31L needs an OS reinstall to function properly now.

    Zombies in spaceland headcutter